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My goal is to provide you with tools that help inform, empower and boost your confidence as a parent so you can make the best decisions possible for you and your family.  Parenting is challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. I am here to guide you through the 3D Parent approach to parenting, so you can stop struggling and start celebrating all of the time you have with your children.

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The Parent/Teacher Partnership With Guest Megan Lanouette

May 16, 2021

“It's like if you if the parents and the teachers aren't talking. It's like trying to build something with a door in between you, and trying to like have two people building the same thing, but not communicating at all about it.”


This week on the 3D Parent podcast, we are talking to Meghan Lanouette.  She is a second grade teacher in Seattle, Washington with over 14 year experience in elementary education.  Her goal as an educator is to connect with her class and stimulate the child’s natural curiosity and drive to learn.


She shares with us her take on creating connection with her students and how to utilize that connection when working through a situation that requires discipline.  She also emphasizes that the parents and the teacher need to come together to work as a team to create the best environment and outcome for their child, and speaks on how best to do that.


I hope you enjoy Meghan’s perspective and the episode.



Things You Will Learn

[4:56]  Meghan draws a parallel between teaching and parenting, and how it changes because of research.

[5:34]  Meghan discusses developing what she hopes is lifelong relationships with her students, and continue this work as long as she continues to invest in new strategies.

[9:22]  Kids have really started to develop increased anxiety, especially over the past 5 years.  So teachers have started to incorporate mindfulness and techniques to help them deal with stress such as breathing.

[17:01]  In terms of teachers and parents, it is important to make each child feel significant.  This is sometimes easier said than done, but it could be as simple as a nickname.

[21:26]  Discipline in the classroom is similar to discipline at home.  Clear lines of communication and expectations.  This includes being open in communication with the parents of a child who may be struggling in the classroom.

[24:58]  Any information from a parent regarding a child is important.  Nothing is too small.  It helps inform how we approach each child in the day to day depending on what they may be going through or dealing with.

[30:22]  Conferences are very helpful as well in establishing a knowledge base for your child and create a plan to help them succeed throughout the year.

[37:05]  One tip Meghan recommends to help foster connection outside of school, is to know what your child is learning about in school and incorporate that into your conversations with your child.  Maybe even offer to go deeper and learn more about whatever topic they are learning about.

[44:52]  A key takeaway from this episode is to work with your child’s teacher as a team.  It is just as important for you to have a relationship with your child's teacher as it is for your child.




Quotes From Episode 5

Meghan responding to being asked if she knew she wanted to work with kids.

“You know, if you'd asked me that, I would have said no. But if you'd asked anybody who knew me, they probably would have said that was what I was going to do. I always loved being around kids.“

Meghan’s response to what she thinks is the toughest part of her job.

“You do the best you can every day. And then there are those moments of, you know, a glimmer where you're like, oh, my gosh, I reached somebody.”

“The first thing that has to happen is building a rapport with a kid and letting them know that I care about them and that I care about them as an individual. And not just, you know, one of twenty-six kids.”

“It's like if you if the parents and the teachers aren't talking. It's like trying to build something with a door in between you, and trying to like have two people building the same thing, but not communicating at all about it.”



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About Your Host

I’m Beaven Walters, your host and guide on this crazy and fulfilling journey as a parent.

As a certified parent coach, parent educator and mom of 4 children, I am passionate about helping parents navigate the tough stuff while maintaining dignity, direction and deep connection in your family relationships.  I have spent over 10 years teaching in a variety of educational settings with multiple age groups, and now I am delighted to bring those experiences to you at home. Throughout this podcast, we will cover topics such as tantrums, sibling conflict, screen time overload and transitioning into the teenage years.

My goal is to provide you with tools that help inform, empower and boost your confidence as a parent so you can make the best decisions possible for you and your family.  Parenting is challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone.

I am here to guide you through the 3D Parent approach to parenting, so you can stop struggling and start celebrating all of the time you have with your children.